Friday, April 8, 2011


Well, this whole government shutdown has started to get to me. The internet and facebook are only doing my mind damage. For weeks now i have laughed at people for believing this, and believed none of it would happen. I still believe it will be fixed before anything drastic happens but the fact they would use my husband as a pawn urks me. Why him? Why he who lays his life on the line for every other person in this country. Why should he not get payed? I realize the plan is for it to never even happen and to just rattle the other sides cages but then they don't cave they stand fir and bluff as well. The other thing that is driving me crazy is the arguing this has caused, and the lack of common sense in some of the things people are saying. Ugh i just want it to be over with but one thing is for sure they picked the wrong people as a pawn. You know that saying don't bite the hand that feed you? well we need a new one...something like Don't slap the face of your protector and turn around and continue to expect his protection!

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